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Werpsel 2021 – gebore Januarie 14

Chubby se geregistreerde naam is GR.CH BOLWARA BLU BUNGI OF GERCA JM ZAW'18

Hy het die mooiste geaardheid is baie liefdevol. Hy is op sy gelukkigste as hy sammet my kan ry of op my skoot kom sit,  as ons buite ini tuin kuier.

Hy is geskou vandat hy ń puppy was. Sy skouloopbaan het met ń "bang" afgeskop. Hy is met sy eerste skou raak gesien, het CC gekry en ook die puppy groep gewen asook BEST PUPPY IN SHOW.

Hy het so goed gedoen as Junior  en het die Titel JUNIOR MERIT baie maklik verwerf.

Chubby is ook die eerste Cattle Dog in Suid Afrika wat die titel van GRAND CHAMPION gekry het

Hy is in 2019 aangewys as die NATIONAL Australian Cattle Dog in Suid Afrika 

Sy pragtige geaardheid ; sterk kop en wonderlike kleur kom sterk na vore in die werpsels wat hy die pa van is.

Hy is ons hele familie se liefling!!


LITTER 2021 – born January 14.


CHUBBY, owned and loved by Carine Buitendach, registered name:


“Chubby has a wonderful temperament and is very loving. He is at his happiest driving with me or sitting on my lap when we are relaxing in our garden.

We started campaigning him as a puppy and his show career took off with a bang when he was awarded a CC  (best male in breed), followed by Best Puppy in Group and then Best Puppy in Show.

He did so well as a junior, he easily earned a Junior Merit Title.

Chubby is the fist Australian Cattle Dog in South Africa to earn a Grand Champion title and was the KUSA 2019 SA National Cattle Dog.

His beautiful nature, strong head and lovely colour is strongly inherited in his puppies.

He is the darling of our family”.


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DINGO, owned and loved by Lizia Rhind, registered name JOKARRA WINX 0F NILIDA


“Dingo can only be described as the energy in our household.   She is very strong willed, but obedient and extremely protective of all our family members.  She thrives on attention and praise.  I absolutely loved her beautiful colour and very distinctive light tail.

Dingo is happiest on the farm where she jogs next to the bakkie wherever it goes.  Her energy has absolutely no boundaries and the word she hates most is “stay” when she is not allowed to go with us.

Dingo turned out to be a wonderful mother to her 8 babies and we are extremely excited to see the babies changing colours and to see which features of both parents will be dominant.

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This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Helen Lachenicht
